Privacy Policy

our Privacy Matters to Us

Hello there! Welcome to, where your privacy is our priority. In this Privacy Policy, we'll walk you through how we collect, use, and share your personal information.

What We Collect

When you visit our site, we gather some details about your device and your interactions with us. This helps us make your experience better and allows us to optimize our site. We may also collect additional info when you reach out for customer support.

Examples of Information We Collect:

  • Device information (like your web browser version, IP address, and more)
  • Order information (your name, billing and shipping address, email, and phone number)
  • Customer support information (similar details as order information)

Why We Collect It

We collect this information to provide you with the best service possible. It helps us fulfill your orders, process payments, and offer top-notch customer support. Rest assured, your data is in good hands!

Sharing is Caring

We share your personal information with trusted service providers who assist us in delivering our services. For instance, we partner with Shopify to power our online store. They're as committed to your privacy as we are! You can learn more about Shopify's privacy practices here.

Sometimes, we may need to share your information to comply with laws, respond to legal requests, or protect our rights.

Behave Yourself! (Behavioral Advertising)

We use your info to show you personalized ads and marketing communications that we think you'll find interesting. Don't worry; it's all about keeping things relevant for you!

For example, we use Google Analytics to understand how you use our site. If you're curious about Google's use of your info, check it out here. You can also opt-out of Google Analytics here.

If targeted ads aren't your thing, you can opt out of them on Facebook here and through the Digital Advertising Alliance here.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information to provide you with awesome services, from offering products for sale to processing payments and keeping you in the loop about new products and offers.

Cookies - Not the Chocolate Chip Kind

Cookies are tiny bits of info that make your browsing experience smoother. They remember your actions and preferences, so you don't have to keep entering the same info. Cookies also help us understand how people use our site.

That's it! Your privacy journey with us is simple, transparent, and secure. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thanks for trusting us with your information!